A place to update how I am doing, occasionally gripe, and share what's on my mind during my downtime. It seems I will have some.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Honest Update

The honest truth is, for now, we are not going to update this everyday.  I am sure the Internet will break with the news, but somehow it will stay together.

With that said, the port was installed today.  I am sore, but doing alright.  The doctors and nurses were wonderful.  Looking forward to a good night sleep.

PS Honest Update Number 2

We will delve deeper into thoughts on this site, just not yet.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Day #5, The Lost Day

Looking through the days and realized that no post was given for Day #5, so we will make one up, just kidding.

Day 5, I had a delivery in Orleans, the people were very nice. The main thing to remember from Day 5 was that Liz and I went to the Yarmouth House and had a nice Lunder.  For a little bit, life seemed normal.

That is a good day.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Day 6 - A day of rest and a day to prepare

Days one through five are in Google Keep.  More private thoughts will be kept there, more public musings will be kept here.

Doctor's appointments start this Tuesday.  Though they are only consults, we expect things to move quickly.

Still haven't wrapped my mind around all that is happening.

Day #4, Progress

Friday, July 27th, 2018....A super productive day on this front, not so productive on the work front. Let’s face it, news like his has a way of shocking your system and puts things into perspective. Seriously, nothing else matters when you are fighting for your life and we still have no real grip on the battle ahead. We scheduled all our appointments, in one day, for Tuesday, July 31st. 4 more days of waiting, but we are so very grateful that within a week of finding out this news, we are meeting with the team that will help us fight the fight.


And Day #3, The Waiting Continues....

Thursday, July 26th, 2018....Around 5:45 pm, the Pathology Results are in and we have no idea what the words on the paper mean. We spend the evening looking up terminology to better familiar ourselves on all that is about to come our way. 


Day #2...Still in Shock

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018....We were trying to juggle work and the news we had learned a day earlier. All of a sudden we get a call from our primary care doctor’s office, she had reviewed the results from the colonoscopy and scheduled a CT scan for that afternoon. While we thought things were moving slow, this felt like a big step. The scan was quick, then we waited. After a little over an hour, our primary care doctor called with the results confirming the news. Now we sit and wait for the pathology report.

A Look Back At Day #1

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018....I don’t want to say diagnosis day because we literally did not have enough information then, but it certainly was the day that the tumor was discovered.  I drove Michael to the doctors office where his colonoscopy was going to take place. After about 20 minutes of waiting, they took him back, but I was not allowed to go back with him. They took my number and told me they would call once he was in recovery.

Off I went, I didn’t exactly know what to do, especially because I didn’t want to go too far. The mall was nearby so I went there. I parked far away from where I wanted to go because I wanted to kill time. We don’t usually have time because of our work so sometimes when we have it we don’t know what to do with it. I poked around in a few stores and picked out a few things for the dogs.  I had been standing in the check-out line with the dog toys and all of a sudden this wave of feeling hot took over my body. I had perspiration on my face and I could feel it dripping down my back. I could have left everything and left the store but one of the toys was the exact toy Lila loves and I wanted a spare for her. Finally, I was out of there and needed to use the bathroom. I knew the best bathroom was halfway between where I was and my car. As soon as I hit the entrance of that store location, which was now about 11:35am, I got the call that Michael was in recovery and the nurse asked me how long I would be and asked me to notify the office when I had arrived. I was only across the street so I wasn’t going to be long .

As instructed, I let the woman at the desk know I was there and within seconds a nurse was calling me back. Michael had no idea I was coming back and I had no idea that he had asked the nurse at the very beginning if I could come back and she had told him, “no.” We started laughing and joking and then the nurse came in and said the doctor would still be awhile. Michael turned to me and said, “it isn’t a good thing that you are back here, the nurse told me no one was allowed back here.” We both kind of laughed it off, I mean Michael has hardly been any type of sick other than a minor cold the 12 years we have been together.  I had myself convinced that all the symptoms he had been feeling, all the months of not feeling right, were going to finally be explained, as in something like Crohns or Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Never did I expect what happened next.

Finally the doctor came in and said whatever he said about a tumor in the rectum and that in his experience it looks malignant but we wouldn’t know for sure until the pathology report is back in about five days. We both were stunned and completely shocked but honestly took the news like champs. The nurses kept asking if we were ok, but we literally wanted to get the F outta there. We both kept saying, did he really just say that? Is it possible he jumped the gun and it’s benign? How do you give someone news like this and make them wait five days?! We needed to digest the news we had just heard. From 12:15pm on, the rest of the day was a blur. We were completely numb from the shock. But we were also trying to figure out what to do. We needed a plan, literally we were beginning to mentally prepare for the fight.

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